Fly Fishing Near London

What Is Urban Fishing?

Exactly what you do! It depends on where you live and what you want, from lakes, dams, and rivers to canals and rivers that offer fishing opportunities along the way. Choosing the right place and finding fish requires a bit of knowledge, but that’s part of what makes fishing in the city so enjoyable. Urban fishing is all about ingenuity and a little flexibility, and when you’re open to urban adventure, the possibilities are endless.

Fishing offer near London:

London is known for many things: museums, galleries, expensive beer – but fishing? Yes, perhaps surprisingly, you can fish in London. It is becoming more and more popular. Every year more and more people are looking for their hometown. You can tell they like what they usually get.

The city’s fishermen have a variety of species and fishing spots on their doorstep. It’s free to start and learning is great for anyone. Farm debt will show you that you never knew it existed, even though you have lived here all your life. Not sure yet? Read on and you will be in the water before you know it!

Where should I go to Urban Fish?

If you imagine you are fishing in London, you can imagine jumping out of the Paddock and avoiding the crowds and boats that pass by. It’s more than that. There are three types of fishing in London: rivers, canals, and calm waters. Here is a brief overview of each.


The river is very understandable. Look at the map of the city or look at Eastenders and the river is the first thing you see. What you do not understand, however, is that there is more to London than rivers.

A dozen different rivers flow through the city before entering the Thames. They are all suitable for fishing and one of them, the Wandle in southwest London, is clean enough to be calcified here and there! The Thames itself, with its boats and shores, is also ideal for anglers as long as you can find a quiet place.


Canals may look like rivers, but they are long lakes with no current or no current. This makes it very suitable for fish that prefer calm water. The canal also has a tow line that goes straight to it, giving you easy access to the beach and plenty of space for fishing – as long as you avoid all the boats.

The advantage of London routes is that there are only two. The Grand Union Canal runs west to Little Venice. It then meets the Regents Canal, which flows through north London and connects Limehouse to the river. You can fish next to both.


After all, “calm water” applies to everything from docks to local lakes to all-inclusive fishing lakes. Here’s the bread and butter of London’s fishing scene. It’s also a great place to start if you don’t have a new sport, as many places are full of fish.

You can find calm waters all over London. Hampstead Heath, Clapham Common, and Burgess Park offer great fishing spots, as do Surrey Docks and even Canary Wharf. For the more discerning angler, Syon Park and Walthamstow Reservoir offer excellent deep-sea fishing.

We can change fishing places in London when the cows come home, but that’s not the point. The great thing about fishing in London is exploring the local waters. Honestly, you can find a good catch in almost any part of London – just ask the person who caught it!

A Diverse Mix of Fish

Fish species in London fall into two main categories: Wild and Large Fish. For those who do not know, “wild fish” refers only to salmon and trout, and “coarse fish” includes all other freshwater species. There you can find sea fish up to the mouth of the Thames. Here are some of the top picks in each group.

Coarse Fish

Fishing holds a large specimen of goldfish by the river

Goldfish is the king of the world in London. This herbivore is a common catch grown in the calm waters of London. They are highly regarded, partly because of their size, but also because they differ greatly in color and pattern. This led to the birth of ‘specimen fishing’ – hunting for certain large or unusual carp that are known to live in an area.

Want to fight one of the biggest predators in London? A large torch floats in the Thames. People can and do Pikes landings from shore, but you need a boat to get them. You can also find Pike on some of the largest lakes and piers in and around London.

Next on the list is perch. These guys did not but fought brilliantly in the easier battles. It is the largest canal in London and appears regularly on rivers and piers. With them, you can find the walleye, an invasive species that is a lot of fun to catch. Then there is the sweet, the rooster, the brooch, the bran, the barbell, the ball – you have a lot to choose from.

Game Fish

Trout will be released This does not apply to coarse fishing, please keep this in mind. Trout lovers and fly fishers can also have fun without leaving home. Walthamstow has the best trout spots in especially filled lakes like the one at Walthamstow. Brown trout and rainbow trout reach a good size in these private areas.

What about wild trout? Well asked! As mentioned earlier, there is a section of Wandle that contains a large number of wild brown trout. Rumors of trout and even salmon are flowing along the Thames, though you should be very lucky to catch them.

Sea Fish

Close-up of two small collisions taken from fishing rods

Sea fish swim reliably in the tidal waters of the Thames. Even upstream at Woolwich, you can find whiting, millet, and eels. Once you reach Dartford Bridge, you can add sea bass, whiting, and cod to the list.

Saltwater species in London are much more restricted than freshwater fishing. If you want to fish in a suitable sea, it is best to go to Gravesend or Southend. But if you’re fishing in the East, don’t be surprised if a strange flounder hits your bait.

Fishing by the Book

Are you ready to go out and fish? Before you do this, you need to grab some important pieces of paper. There are some important and general rules to follow when fishing.

Licenses and Permits

Model fishing permit form with a set of rods

The first thing you need is a fishing license. Specifically, you will need a trout license and a rough rod, which will allow you to fight all kinds of fish in London. You can buy a daily license for £ 6, which is great if you just try something. However, the £ 30 annual license has a much better value in the long run.

Once you have a fishing license, you will need permission from the person who manages your fishing spot of choice – usually a fishing board or fishing club. If you fish on the canal, you may also obtain a sailing license which covers all the waters managed by the Canal and Rivers Trust.

Fishing Seasons

We’re almost done with admin, I promise! The last thing that comes to mind is the fishing season. Fishing is allowed all year round in most canals and calm waters, although you should still check the rules for certain places you visit. When fishing in rivers, the rules are stricter and differ depending on which fish is aimed at.

Back and game have different seasons. Rough fishing is closed from March 15 to June 15 every year. The rules of sport fishing vary from place to place. The season usually ends in the fall and winter, but you should contact your fishing club for exact dates.

To Keep or Not To Keep

Goldfish are released into the water with separate mats

Talk to any fisherman in London and conservation will be a priority. Urban fishing has grown rapidly in recent decades and is now the healthiest since the Industrial Revolution. This is largely due to the efforts of volunteers and hunting associations.

The most important rule is to release the fish unharmed. Catch and release is the name of the game in fishing games and rough games. Even if you can bring your own fish home, it is very bad for the fishing community. The big exceptions here are invasive species such as glaucoma and catfish. It is illegal to put these fish back in the water!

Urban Angling: Escape the Crowds, Enjoy the Slow Lane

A local fisherman in London at night, with two fishing poles in front and a bridge fire in the distance.

Busy roads and long journeys can ruin the life of London. Fishing is the perfect way to get rid of everything. reduces things. You can also learn new skills or improve your system. Practice well while fighting and you can’t beat it.

Anyway, the best thing about fishing in London is that you can do it almost anywhere. Of course, there may be areas around you, waiting to be discovered. So what do you think? Go down and start exploring!

Have you tried fishing in London? Are you an ordinary local fisherman? Share your story and some tips and details below – looking forward to hearing from you!

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