Hip Boot Waders

Wading Through The Muck! Best Hip Boot Waders, With Reviews (2022)

Hip waders can be the most adaptable piece of outdoor equipment. Although they’re often linked with anglers who wish to explore distant waterways and fish in previously inaccessible locations, they’re also good for hunters and people who spend a great deal of time in muck and mist. A hip wader is less confining than a…

Fishing Reels

Types Of Fishing Reels Explained: Reels 101 (2022 Buyer’s Guide)

This is a thorough tutorial that explains all you need to know about the many types of fishing reels available, as well as any downfalls. Introduction | Varieties Of Fishing Reels There are several varieties of fishing reels, and distinguishing between them may be a bit of a challenge at times. This page will discuss…

Best Tenkara Rods

The 6 Best Tenkara Rods in 2022 – Buyers Guide

We spent more than three days sifting through tens of thousands of evaluations of fishing rods and interviewing some of the industry’s top professionals. Tenkara USA rods are dependably superior. If you are interested in learning more about this form of fishing, we have a terrific Tenkara guide available here. Here are our ideas for…

Orvis Battenkill Fly Reel

Orvis Battenkill Fly Reel Review | Click And Pawl Vs Disc Drag

There is nothing more thrilling for a fly fisherman than hearing their drag scream when a massive fish makes a strong run downstream. As one of the most historically significant goods produced by Orvis, the Battenkill fly reel remains beloved among fly fishermen of all ages Let’s get started! Orvis Battenkill | Click & Pawl…

7 Weight Fly Rods

Best 7 Weight Fly Rods | Reviews + Buyer’s Guide (2022)

A Little Salt, A Little Salmon This versatility is what makes 7wt fly rods so desirable to possess. In freshwater, a 7wt can handle the majority of bass, brown trout, pike, and muskie. 7wt rods are also often used for lighter saltwater situations, especially in 9′ and 10′ lengths. These rods have enough strength and…